DragonSpeaker Synopsis

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DragonSpeaker Synopsis
Chapter 1
Garden Pets Etc.
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     Jamie Mathews has always wanted to be normal.  Unfortunately, her family is considered to be the strangest in the entire village.  Her parents disappeared long ago while looking for dragons of all things, leaving her to be raised by a grandmother who believes strongly in magic.  Everyone knows dragons don’t exist.  Right?


     When Jamie begins to have strange dreams about eggs and glowing heart-shaped crystals, she wonders if something is wrong with her.  Grandma reveals the family legacy, telling Jamie that she is a DragonSpeaker -- someone who can speak to dragons.  And the dragons need help.


     Something has gone terribly wrong.  The dragons are dying.  Jamie’s parents, both being DragonSpeakers, were going to help them when they vanished.  According to Jamie’s dreams, she may be the dragons’ last hope.


     Can one girl hope to succeed where others have failed?  Jamie is determined to try.  She’ll find the dragons, and her parents.  With the aid of a baby dragon, a Guardian, and the biggest bully in town, she begins a journey that will bring unexpected obstacles and new friendships.

Read the first chapter for a sneak peak at DragonSpeaker